Welcome to Margaret River Health Centre

Margaret River is a lifestyle town. We understand that to Live Life and enjoy the massive variety of activities on offer you want to Stay Active and Move Well. So to get you back in the game or out on the trails, give us a call to make an appointment.
Call (08) 97579090
Working Hours
Monday 09:00AM - 06.00PM
Tuesday 08:00AM - 06:00PM
Wednesday 09:00AM - 07:00PM
Thursday 08:00AM - 06.00PM
Friday 9:00AM - 05.00PM
Saturday 08:00AM - 01:00PM
From Our Gallery

Margaret River Health Centre - Unit 6/45 Station Road, Margaret River, 6285 WA


Resolve Pain. Move Well. Live Life.

From World Champion surfers to the weekend warrior our physio’s have the know how. . .

Massage, Mobilisation & Manipulation

massage and mob shot

As physio’s, we move things that are stiff and stabilise others that are loose (or get you to work on stabilising it). We utilise many techniques to do this including education on how to move correctly. But being ‘hands on’ physio’s means we’re also really focussed on developing greater movement in your joints and easing muscles spasm.

We utilise Mobilisation (movement) and manipulation (adjustments) of your joints and Remedial Massage techniques to release muscles. It’s important that both the joints and muscles are released because they rely on each other for movement and power. The release of one only means the system will tighten again prematurely and therefore keep you in dysfunction and pain. Having the skills to do both means we get you back pain free much quicker, for longer.

Acupuncture & Dry Needling

acupunctureBetween Simon, Ed and Gaynor, we have the abilities to incorporate both acupuncture and dry needling to ensure treatment is effective and holistic.

So what’s the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling?

Keeping it simple, Acupuncture involves needling into acupuncture points along meridian lines, which represent organs of the body and have their origins in ancient Chinese medical history. The underlying treatment philosophy is based on the concept of balance and maintaining free flow of electricity within the body.

Dry needling is newer, having only been developed in the 1980’s and is based on the targeting of ‘Trigger Points’, which are areas of muscle in spasm. These can cause neuromuscular dysfunction, pain, decreased function and increased stress on surrounding structures.

Rocktape & Strapping

Rocktape use this oneRestoring optimum pain free movement is one of the most important goals when rehabilitating an injury. Which is why we commonly use Rocktape on patients. It does various things such as normalising muscle tone, distributing stress, delaying fatigue and decompressing swelling. But more importantly, we find it extremely beneficial as a training tool, to teach people where their body parts are, versus where they should be. This feedback is called proprioception and is basically how well you brain coordinates with your limbs. ‘Where your body is in space.’

Where necessary we are still also proficient in rigid strapping. But we’re finding this increasingly being superseded by the more dynamic styles of taping.

Times, they are a changing!

Movement & Strength Analysis

IMG_6635We understand that to live pain free means you need to move well. Good movement starts from the feet up, just the way energy is absorbed through the body. The greater the load on the body, the more shock absorption you need.

Did you know you absorb six times your body weight when running downhill?

How you move tells us everything about where your strengths and where your dysfunction lies and therefore where you need work. In order to get you Living Life the way you want, it’s also important we understand what you want (your goals) and what you do (what does your body do every day), so we can build a plan to achieve it, together.

Spinal Fitness Classes

FitballEvery school term for the last 12 years, Simon Lentjes (Physiotherapist) has been running Spinal Fitness Classes to provide a tailored program aimed at developing spinal strength and flexibility. The classes utilise the concepts of Pilates, Fitball, and yoga stretching principles to provide a safe and effective way of improving your individual back dysfunction.

People who attend are from all ages and abilities, with both a beginners program and an advanced. This means we can cater for a variety of back problems with different severities.

The key message in the class is that everyone is unique and therefore so is their back problem. The first step to fixing your back is to understand the problem. That comes in the physio rooms initially with education and training, but also during the classes where we discuss different aspects of spine biomechanics each week. The second is to own your problem. This comes in the classes where you learn to feel the boundaries of movement and pain in order to develop strength and flexibility within your comfort zone. Only after understanding these two factors can a patient move forward and truly move well and be pain free.

In-Gym Programs

IMG_6635Our physios develop tailored functional strength programs within either the Margaret River Recreation Centre or Bodyclub gym as part of injury rehabilitation. These programs are designed to specifically target areas of weakness and movement patterns dysfunction.

As clinicians, we understand the importance of functional strength to both rehabilitate an injury and prevent reinjury down the road. Having diagnosed the source of the injury, it means we are able to design a tailored program with appropriate movement patterns to target effected muscle zones accurately.

Workplace Training - Manual Handling

Alex-@-FGMargaret River Manual Handling Training has been conducted by Physiotherapist Simon Lentjes for over 12 years. Voyager Estate, Leeuwin Estate, Vasse Felix, Cape Mentelle, Devils Lair and Stella Bella Wineries have all been utilising these training sessions for years and appreciate the ‘hands on’ style of training.

Our Manual Handling training combines very practical education combined with the necessary theoretical information. The theory itself is based on an understanding of how the body moves optimally (biomechanics), and therefore learning how best to move and load it.

The practical component is always very hands on and tailored to the needs of the participants. For example, at wineries, participants are all required to rack barrels, move hoses, push/pull mono pumps and lift bags of chemicals. The sessions also run through various ‘testing’ of strength and flexibility to provide all participants with an understanding of how strong and flexible their bodies should be.

Sporting Teams and Athletes

Janet-Ann-Smith-Australian-Elite-Obstacle-RacerOur physios look after all types of musculoskeletal conditions, but we have a special interest in the management of sport injuries. That’s why we are members of Sports Medicine Australia. We take great pride in being involved with various sporting professionals, and helping them to achieve their goals and their dreams. We understand what it takes to get them performing at their peak and we work closely to get them ready for race day. We’ve treated world champion surfers to the weekend warrior.

We are also proud to support various local sporting teams and sporting events.

So it doesn’t matter if you’re a high level professional or a recreational athlete, if you’re serious about keeping active, we can get you ‘back in the game!

Happy Customers

I feel very grateful to have been referred to Simon Lentjes when I suffered a debilitating back injury at work. I live a very active life and through the wide range of therapies Simon practices I have been able to get back in the water surfing and life is returning back to normal. Stoked! I highly recommend Simon Lentjes at Margaret River Health Centre!


Simon Lentjes has been an integral part of the success of the Margaret River Gropers Rugby Team who are champions for the 4th year in a row. Not only having Simon's skills on the side line but also being available at short notice during the week to offer professional Physiotherapy support has meant we have been able to put our best team on the field week after week. Simon adds a fantastic dynamic to our team and has a great understanding of the needs of our 'highly tuned' athletes and what is means to get on the field every Saturday.

Mark Sheath

Coach of the Gropers 2011-2016

When you find a great physio you never want to find another!! That's the way I feel about Simon, no matter the race or the problem he is quick to fix it and get me racing fresh and to my potential each and every time.

Jarrod Bolton

2 x World Championship Ironman Triathlete